12 Driving Forces is an assessment that measures why a person does what they do; it defines and identifies what motivates people. It measures the motivation (and strength) behind behaviors, using 6 different motivators.
Those motivators are Knowledge, Utility, Surroundings, Others, Power, and Methodologies. These 6 motivators are each divided into two distinct ways of measuring each factor. Based on a continuum, these 12 drivers make up a person’s cluster of Driving Forces.

12 Driving Forces Reveals the Passion Behind the Person by Measuring Key Motivators
Utilizing the 12 Driving Forces assessment will help your organization with:
Personal development
Performance improvement
Career motivation
Strategic planning
Coaching and advancement
12 Driving Forces is a valuable assessment at every level of an organization, from entry-level workers to executives. By uncovering motivation in the workplace, your team can take their productivity and development to the next level.
12 Driving Forces delivers powerful insight and clarity into why you and your team members do what you do. Once you understand what energizes and stresses out your team members, you are better positioned to create a more rewarding work experience. With this comes higher engagement, less turnover and happier, more effective teams.
– Marcus Straub, Owner, Life is Great! Inc.
If you want to learn more about using 12 Driving Forces and key motivators to reveal human potential in your organization, TTI SI is here to help.
Get the information you need to move forward, contact us today!